Thursday, September 15, 2011

Grassroots Politics

If you think Texas Politics doesn't effect you just go outside and look down. That whithered hay and dust otherwise known as dead grass, government has a solution for that. The proposed solution would be for Austin Water to rebate people $10 for every 100 sq ft. of dead grass they replace with more drought tolerant Buffalo or Bermuda grass. Candidates for this Lawn Remodel Program must apply by Oct. 14 and must be willing to replace all of the dead grass in their front and backyards with the more drought tolerant varieties. The participants can only water the new grass if and when the drought is over, which needless to say could be a while. People participating have to stop watering their lawns all together if they haven't already which will save water and money. If homeowners were already planning a lawn remodel this is a great incentive. To be eligible the residence must be owner occupied, and you must be a Austin Water customer who has no water waste warnings, citations, or violations. Because Austin Water authorizes when the drought is over the participants have to be willing to accept an indefinite time period with dead grass, no worries though yard signs announcing that you are remodeling your lawn are available.

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