Thursday, October 13, 2011

Insurance plans covering abortions?

House votes to bar insurance plans from covering abortions using federal funds. Is this really going on? People are paying taxes to fund actions that they are against. This article brought to light many issues that need to be resolved. Although I found this article to be confusing what I did conclude for myself about the topic is just what the article concludes. That they are just "accounting gimicks" and that they won't stop tax payer money from being used to fund abortions.
I am having a difficult time understanding the article, but it is a controversal topic I am very interested in. While I do believe that it is each womans right to decide if abortion is the right choice for them personally, I do not believe that the choice to do so should be funded by tax payers. To put it very bluntly if someone makes a mistake it is up to that person to pay for the mistake both physically, morally and financially. People may argue that the same people that cannot afford sexual protection, or are not responsible enough to use it, are the same ones who will be on government funded insurance wanting abortions. I don't think that it is the responsibility of tax payers to bail others out on issues they may not be morally in favor of. I think that this article brought up a very good issue and I do not believe I am alone in my confusion on this issue. This article raises many questions for me and leaves much unanswered. Is it illegal for government to fund abortion? How many abortions are really funded by the government? I will have to research this issue more I do not feel that the article was helpful enough in making me understand the exact details of the issue.

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