Thursday, December 1, 2011

Senate OKs Changes to Newborn Screening Program

I am interested in the article Senate OKs Changes to Newborn Screening Program, because I have an 8 month old son and this article reminds me of  the cradle to grave idea. Government is involved in every aspect of our lives from the time we are born until the day we die, but how much should Government be involved?

Having a new son I of course am very protective of him and want the best for him. I delivered my son in the hospital and I am sure that most hospitals are made possible or at least regulated by some form of Texas Government. My son was issued a social security card and given a birth certificate, and we now go to doctors appointments every 3 months where he is given shots. Government has had a hand in deciding which shots are to be administered but other than that Government hasn't played too much of a role in parenting my son.

 I do remember my sons newborn screenings but the thought never crossed my mind that I might not want health officials using my son's blood samples for research. Apparently other parents didn't want their child's blood samples being used and filed a law suit which is why state health officials can no longer use infant blood samples for non-approved purposes without parental approval. There was definitely a lot of confusion and it is hard to remember exactly what questions were asked in the hospital but I am sure if asked if I give Government consent to use my son's blood samples for research I would give it.

Although I have no idea why it could possibly be bad for infant blood samples to be used without consent it does make me feel good that the parents won the lawsuit and the child's rights were protected. I am happy to live in a country where Government can help its citizens and still respect individual rights. It is a good thing to have a Government that is there to help as long as they aren't too involved in controlling citizens lives.

1 comment:

  1. In one of her blogs, Senate OKs Changes to Newborn Screening, my colleague argued over the protection of the parents and their child’s blood to be sampled. She sided that, although government probably has too much to do with our children and that they are being endlessly protected by the adults, that it should not be that big of a deal for the blood of the kids to be used for research.

    In accordance to my colleague’s blog post, I agree to what she has to say at some extent. She believes that with or without the parents’ consent the government shouldn’t exactly have to worry about a research including which ever child’s blood they want. I don’t agree with that. Although they can’t really do much with just a sample of blood from the children, the parents are there to protect their kids from the time they are born, and if that means keeping even a drop of blood from being freely drawn then so be it.

    However, I do completely agree that civilians are completely aware for the well- being of others and that is a great sign of unity. Children are helpless when it comes to their rights and having such adults make them have a place in society. They have their own representatives without being able to stand up for themselves. Additionally, she is also thankful for the concern of the government’s presence throughout the life of Texas’ residents. With that, I agree to as well. Regardless of how much the government and government officials may make one angry, they are there to help and have an open ear to the concerns of civilians. That is, however, to a point where they halt in having complete control over society.
